Norfolk Public Library will have a temporary change of hours on Monday, March 31, and will open at 1PM.


Passport services are available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 1pm – 6pm & Saturday 10am – 1pm.

Passport Service is available by appointment only at the Norfolk Public Library. There are passport acceptance agents on staff at the Library who are available to help you obtain your U. S. Passport. An appointment is required for passport services. Appointments can be made using the form at the bottom of this page (this is the preferred method) or by calling the library (508-528-3380).  Please read: There is a maximum of 3 passports per time slot. An additional timeslot must be booked for every increment of 3. Appointments made in excess of 3 passports per timeslot will be cancelled by the library.

Do you meet the criteria for a renewal? Renewal applications cannot be accepted at the library, you must mail it to the passport services address listed in the application with a check and your old passport. 

Renewal criteria:

  1. You have your passport in your possession to submit with your application.
  2. It’s undamaged other than normal wear and tear.
  3. Was issued when you were 16 or older.
  4. Was issued within the last 15 years.
  5. Was issued in your current name or you can document your name change.

What to Expect:

  • Important Update: Passport Applications will not be accepted if there are errors or cross outs. We suggest you go online to fill out the form and double check for accuracy before you print it out.
  • Routine service can take 4 to 6 weeks
  • Expedite service (for an additional $60) can take 2 to 3 weeks
  • Mailing times are not included in processing times.
  • A separate $35 processing fee, paid to the Town of Norfolk, is required for each passport application. This is in addition to the cost of your passport and any additional services (expedited, large book, etc.). The processing fee can be paid via check, cash, or money order. Current prices for passports and additional services can be viewed here.

Please click on the following link to ensure that you have the proper documentation and forms before your appointment. Forms are available at the library. All application materials must be completed prior to your appointment. Applicants who arrive without the forms filled out or the proper documentation may be asked to reschedule at the discretion of the passport agent.

Items you will need:

  • Completed application form 
  • Identification (Valid Drivers License, Naturalization Certificate, Previous US Passport, Current Government or Military ID)
  • Photocopy of ID
  • Evidence of US Citizenship
    • Previously issued, undamaged U.S. Passport
    • Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state
    • Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
    • Naturalization Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship
  • 2 Checks (1 payable to the Department of State, and 1 payable to the Town of Norfolk). Personal checks are acceptable. We do not accept credit or debit cards. Current prices can be viewed here. **No payments are accepted by the State Department online, do not pay your application fee to a third party. There are a lot of scam sites out there!  
  • A current photo ( Passport photo services are available at AAA and most pharmacies)

Special instructions for applicants age 16-17:

  • Completed application form
  • Identification (Valid Drivers License, Naturalization Certificate, Previous US Passport, Current Government or Military ID)
  • Photocopy of ID
  • Evidence of US Citizenship
    • Previously issued, undamaged U.S. Passport
    • Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state
    • Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
    • Naturalization Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship
  • Show parental awareness
    • A legal parent or legal guardian appearing with you in person when you apply for your passport. The agent or employee accepting the application will ask your legal parent or legal guardian to sign Form DS-11. Bring a photocopy of that parent or guardian’s ID.
    • Submit a signed note from your legal parent or legal guardian with a photocopy of their ID.
    • Submit proof that your legal parent or legal guardian is paying your application fees (Example: parent or guardian name is written on  the check or money order).
    • We may ask you to submit a notarized statement from your legal parent or legal guardian (e.g., on Form DS-3053) which states he or she supports you receiving a passport. The statement must be accompanied by a photocopy of that parent or guardian’s ID.
  • 2 Checks (1 payable to the Department of State, and 1 payable to the Town of Norfolk). Personal checks are acceptable. We do not accept credit or debit cards. Current prices can be viewed here. **No payments are accepted by the State Department online, do not pay your application fee to a third party. There are a lot of scam sites out there!  
  • A current photo (Passport photo services are available at AAA and most pharmacies. No glasses can be worn in the photo, do not wear a white shirt.)

Special instructions for children under 16:

  • Completed application form
  • Identification (Valid Drivers License, Naturalization Certificate, Previous US Passport, Current Government or Military ID)
  • Photocopy of ID
  • Evidence of US Citizenship
    • Previously issued, undamaged U.S. Passport
    • Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state
    • Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
    • Naturalization Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship
  • Show parental relationship

    Please note: Some documents, like a U.S. birth certificate, show both U.S. citizenship and parental relationship. These documents must be originals or certified copies (not photocopies).

  • Show parental consent
  • A  separate check for each child (payable to the Department of State) and 1 check (payable to the Town of Norfolk). Personal checks are acceptable. We do not accept credit or debit cards. Current prices can be viewed here. **No payments are accepted by the State Department online, do not pay your application fee to a third party. There are a lot of scam sites out there!  
  • A current photo (Passport photo services are available at AAA and most pharmacies. No glasses can be worn in the photo, do not wear a white shirt.)

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