Norfolk Public Library will have a temporary change of hours on Monday, March 31, and will open at 1PM.

The Teen Advisory Board meetings are now back at the library!

Please fill out the application below to join

Grades 7-12

Click here for TAB application

What is Teen Advisory Board?

Teen Advisory Board (TAB for short) is a group of teens in grades 7-12 that meets once a month during the school year at the public library. TAB works with the Youth Librarian to improve teen programs, the Teen Space in the library, and the YA book collection. Basically, the mission of TAB is to take ownership of teen services at the library and help turn the it into what you want the library to be!

What do you actually do at a TAB meeting?

Mostly we talk about stuff over snacks and drinks. Sometimes the librarian will have a list of event ideas, and TAB will vote on whether or not they want the library to make those ideas a reality. Sometimes TAB will even plan events themselves!

TAB members also get to do things like:

  • Read preview copies of new Young Adult books and decide whether the library should buy them
  • Pick out new furniture for the teen areas
  • Pick the Teen Summer Reading Program grand prizes
  • Help run programs for younger kids during school breaks


When is TAB?

TAB meets once per month during the school year (we take a break in the summer!), usually on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:00 PM, in the Teen Space of the Norfolk Public Library.

Meetings are about 45 minutes long. Please note that there may be brief additional meetings as needed if the Board is planning a special event.

Next meeting will be in the fall – stay tuned!

What if I can’t make it to every meeting?

That’s totally okay! Sometimes you might have an event at school, or a family conflict, or maybe just too much homework. We have some TAB members who only come in the spring because they’re in a fall sport and have practice that night. All we ask is that you come when you can, and try to let us know when you can’t.


Contact Senior Youth Services Librarian Allison at [email protected] or call the library at 508-528-3380 ext 4



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