Norfolk Public Library will have a temporary change of hours on Monday, March 31, and will open at 1PM.

Weekly Storytimes for Littles

Mondays @ 10:30 am — Multiage Storytime

Tuesdays @ 10:30 am — Baby Time

Thursdays @ 10:30 am — Multiage Storytime

*Contact Miss Allison at [email protected] for more information 


Book Bundles

Looking for book recommendations and more?

Sign up to receive a book bundle from the library!

Kids in grades 3-12 can fill out a Google form (link in our online events calendar) to sign up for a book bundle containing a personalized library book pick (must be returned), snack, craft, and a couple of goodies!

Bundles are then available to pick up on the first Monday every two months in the lobby of the Library.

Return the library book when you’re done, keep everything else!

Runs October-June.

Upcoming Events

Tween Advisory Board

Programs & Services

Birthday Books

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